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 7 results in yourPeople - Creatorsearch for"Cornelis van Dalen II"Advanced Search
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The Virgin with the Child,  1653-64. Creator: Cornelis van Dalen II.
The Duke of Gloucester (Henry Stuart), n.d. Creator: Cornelis van Dalen II.
Portrait of a Bearded Man (so-called portrait of Giorgione), from Cabinet Reynst..., 1655/58. Creator: Cornelis van Dalen II.
Portrait of the Poet Pietro Aretino, from Cabinet Reynst; Variarum imaginum a..., 1655-1660. Creator: Cornelis van Dalen II.
Charles II, King of England, 1660/64. Creator: Cornelis van Dalen II.
Portrait of Pietro Aretino, ca. 1655-1660. Creator: Cornelis van Dalen II.
Giovanni Boccaccio, Italian Renaissance writer, poet and humanist 17th century (1894). Artist: Cornelis van Dalen II.